Osteopaths treat a variety of conditions

Osteopaths treat a range of musculoskeletal conditions, with hands on manual therpay techniques.  Some of the most common conditions we treat include:

  • Neck pain and back pain 

  • Headaches and Migraines

  • Jaw pain - TMJ strains

  • Repetitive strain injuries

  • Sporting injuries

  • Postural Strains

  • Ankle and foot injuries

  • Plantarfasciitis

  • Shoulder pain

  • Tennis/Golfers Elbow

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and De Quervains 

  • Bursitis and Tendonitis

  • Disc injuries and Nerve pain 

  • Arthritis

  • Womens health and pregnancy pains

What Is Osteopathy

Osteopathy was founded in 1874 by American doctor - Dr A.T Still. Dr Still believed that the body was a machine and that the it would function at its optimum level only when all parts are aligned.  

As a result osteopaths have a holistic approach to treatment and look at the whole body rather than focusing on one area of pain or dysfunction.

Osteopaths examine your posture, biomechanics and individual joint, muscle and ligament function to encourage full body health. At North Star Osteopathy we understand that everyone’s body is unique and tailor our treatment approach to your goals and your body's needs.

Dr Andrew Taylor Still